Delete Disease

Welcome! This website is still being built, however, we are actually a team of people that actively use computer software to find cures for diseases, such as cancer or AIDS, and other worthwhile research (like reducing global warming by calculating better solar technologies). We have a team of people who use this software that performs computations on these humanitarian projects while their computer is not busy. So, we basically 'donate' our extra CPU time towards enhancing science. If you're interested in joining our team, please click on this link: Delete Disease on the World Community Grid.

As a quick overview, the software we use is fully open and inspectable of how it works (referred to as Free/Libre and Open Source Software, or F/LOSS or FOSS for short). The underlying software is actually maintained by the University of California (U.S.A.) and is called BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing). BOINC is used in many different computational projects, from calculating intensively complex mathematical equations, to looking for signs of aliens in space, to our usage of researching cures for diseases or other problems that affect our planet. This is the World Community Grid (WCG) and is a large effort aided by millions of volunteers (Delete Disease is just a smaller subset of these volunteers).

WCG is sponsored by IBM and many, many universities and research centers around the world. The great thing is that all research conducted by WCG volunteers CANNOT be controlled by a single company or government, as all knowledge and data is fully available to everybody in the world. Therefore, every scientist or technical innovator worldwide can evaluate WCG data to make potential cures for diseases, medical conditions, or to invent the next technology to help humanity or the planet in some way. Sounds good, right? We agree! So, please join our team!

This website and the Delete Disease team is sponsored by

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail (William Paul Liggett).